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2022 MCL Junior High Tournament
345 SW Kimball Dr, Pullman, WA 99163

Morning Pool Play:

1.  40 minutes running clock to score as many points as possible.

2.  1 time-out per team

3.  Unlimited substitutions

4.  10 minutes of transition time (2 to clear benches, 3 shared, 2 for each team, 1 to start)

5.  Point differential seeds teams for the championship bracket.

Pool Play

Consolation Pool
(Bottom Team From Each Pool - Court 1)

Consolation Pool Play:

1.  Regular 2/3 matches, except for only 1 timeout per team per set.

2.  16 minutes of transition time (2 to clear benches, 5 shared, 4 for each team, 1 to start)

3.  Matches may start up to 20 minutes early, so be ready.

Championship Bracket Play:

1.  Regular 2/3 matches, except for only 1 timeout per team per set.

2.  16 minutes of transition time (2 to clear benches, 5 shared, 4 for each team, 1 to start)

3.  Matches may start up to 20 minutes early, so be ready.

Winner: CCS

3rd Place: SCCS

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